Standard Objects

In VSDC, standard objects refer to various elements, both visual and non-visual, that can be used in a project within the scene and the timeline. These elements are essential for creating and editing videos, including displaying visual content, playing audio tracks, or altering the characteristics of other objects in the project. Visual objects are those that appear on the scene, whereas non-visual elements, although integral to the project, do not have a visual representation in the scene.

Standard objects include:

  1. Sprite: A container object that can hold multiple other objects, allowing for grouped editing and manipulation.
  2. Duplicate: A feature that creates an exact copy of a selected object for repeated use or further modification.
  3. Line/Curve Line: Tools for drawing straight or curved lines, useful for creating custom shapes or graphic elements.
  4. Rectangle: A basic shape tool for inserting rectangles, which can be customized in size, color, and texture.
  5. Ellipse: Similar to the rectangle tool, but for creating ellipse shapes, useful for various graphic designs.
  6. Free shape: This tool allows for the creation of custom, freehand shapes, offering a high degree of creative flexibility.
  7. Text: An essential tool for adding textual elements to videos, with customizable fonts, sizes, and styles.
  8. Subtitles: Specifically designed for adding subtitle text to videos, with options for timing and placement.
  9. Tooltip: A tool for adding explanatory text or pointers within a video, often used for tutorials or presentations.
  10. Chart: Enables the insertion of various types of charts and graphs, useful for data representation in videos.
  11. Animation: A feature for creating and integrating animated elements, adding dynamics to video projects.
  12. Image File: Allows the import and integration of image files in various formats into the video project.
  13. Audio File: This option is for adding and editing audio tracks, supporting multiple file formats.
  14. Video File: This option is for importing and editing video files, essential for any video project.
  15. Spectrum/Audio abstraction: A tool for visualizing audio data as a spectrum or abstract graphical representation.
  16. Tracking point: Used in motion tracking, this feature allows for the tracking of specific points in a video.
  17. Movement object: Enables the animation of objects within the scene, allowing them to move along predetermined paths.

Adding Standard objects

To add any standard object to the scene and the timeline in the editor, you can use any of the following options:

  • The left side menu next to the scene.
  • The Add object menu on the Editor tab.
  • The corresponding hotkeys, that can be found in the Keyboard shortcuts options.

Once you select an element you wish to add, a pop-up window with settings for the object's position on the timeline will appear. You can adjust these settings as needed or leave them as default by clicking OK. After that, the object will be displayed on both the timeline and the scene preview.

Note that if the object doesn't appear on the scene, you may need to manually set its position using the mouse when the cursor changes into a crosshair. This step is necessary for texts, subtitles, sprites, and some visualizations.

Properties of Standard Objects

In VSDC, in order to view and edit the properties of an object, first select it on the timeline. Then, access the Properties window, which will appear on the right side of the scene. This window provides access to all the modifiable properties of the selected object. For the ease of navigation and clarity, these properties are combined into two groups:

  1. Common Settings: These are general settings applicable to all standard objects.
  2. Object-specific Settings: These settings are unique to each type of object.

To delve deeper into the unique properties of a particular object, you can select it from the menu on the right to learn all the details about standard objects.

Next, we'll delve into the options available in Common settings in more detail:

  1. Type: This indicates the type of object you have selected, e.g. rectangle, video, animation, etc. It's important to note that this property cannot be changed once an object has been created.
  2. Object Name: This line displays the default name of an object. It should be unique within the current scene. Please note that when working with a sprite, this option includes the Edit by Wizard feature, which is essential if you are working with a sprite created with the Create slideshow tool and need to make edits.
  3. Composition Mode: This option is used for blending the current object with another object on the scene. By default, this option is disabled, meaning the object inherits the Composition mode set in the layer's properties on the timeline to the left. However, you can enable it by selecting any mode from the dropdown menu. For more information on these modes, you can refer to our guide on VSDC Blending Modes. It's important to note that choosing a Mask unveils four additional options:
    • Mask Modes: This helps you decide how to use an object: either as a simple Mask for blending objects on the scene or by setting the object to modes like Telea Inpaint or Navier-Stokes Inpaint. These retouching modes use mathematical algorithms to fill gaps or restore damaged areas within the frame.
    • Mode: This option assists in selecting the color channels that act as a mask.
    • Invert Mask: This is used for blending two images by masking out parts of each image. Essentially, it reverses the area of the image that the mask covers.
    • Use Alpha Channel: tThis option indicates that the mask will only consider transparent areas within the selected region.
    • Opacity: This is the final option that is active for each Composition mode. It determines the visibility level of the mask, allowing for fine-tuning of how prominently the mask affects the blended objects.
  4. Coordinates: This option determines an object’s position on the scene (not applicable to non-visual objects), including:
    • Left/X1: The X-coordinate of the object's left edge.
    • Top/Y1: The Y-coordinate of the object's top edge.
    • Width/X2: Either the object's width or the X-coordinate of its right edge.
    • Height/Y2: Either the object's height or the Y-coordinate of its bottom edge.
  5. Set the Same Size as the Parent Has: This option automatically adjusts an object's size to match that of the parent object or the overall scene. This feature is particularly useful for maintaining consistent sizing within nested objects.
  6. Object Creation Time: This option defines the time when an object appears on the scene and timeline, with the following options options:
    • Time (ms): Time in milliseconds when an object is displayed or starts acting.
    • Time (frame): Time in frames when an object is displayed or starts acting.
    • Lock to Parent Duration: This option allows the object's appearance to be synchronized with the start of another object on the timeline, such as the parent object or the object from which it has been cut.
  7. Object Drawing Duration: This option indicates how long an object remains active on the scene. It includes:
    • Duration (ms): Duration in milliseconds of an object's display or action time on the scene.
    • Duration (frame): Duration in frames of an object's display or action time on the scene.
    • Lock to Parent Duration: Allows an object's duration to be synchronized with the duration of another object on the timeline, such as the parent object or the object from which it has been cut.