Editor Video

L'editor video consente di modificare file e creare video di qualsiasi complessità. Potete applicare effetti video e audio effects ad oggetti modificati, trasformarli, applicare filtri e correzioni d'immagini. Tutti i popolari formati video e audio sono supportati (sia lettura che salvataggio).

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Convertitore Video

Questo programma serve a convertire video file da un formato ad un altro. Quasi tutti i popolari formati video sono supportati. Inoltre, il programma semplifica drasticamente il compito di convertire video da riprodurre su determinati dispositivi multimedia quali iPhone, Microsoft Zune oppure Archos. Il programma è semplicissimo da usare, dispone di una moderna interfaccia e di tutte le necessarie funzioni per processare i video.

Read more about Video Converter...

Convertitore Audio

Il convertitore audio vi aiuterà a convertire file audio da un formato ad un altro. Tutti i formati audio e codec chiavi sono supportati. Il programma vi consente inoltre di gestire playlist e meta tags, di estrarre audio dai file video e di salvare queste tracce sul vostro computer in qualsiasi formato.

Read more about Audio Converter...


Questo strumento audio serve a catturare tracce audio dai CD e di salvarle nel computer dell'utente in qualsiasi formato. Quasi tutti i popolari formati e codec sono supportati. Il programma è inoltre in grado di estrarre dettagli di tracce dal server FreeDB al fine di rinominare automaticamente il file e di aggiornare i meta tag.

Read more about Audio CD Grabber...



Più strumenti contemporaneamente per elaborare file video e audio in una singola applicazione.

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Working with the Timeline

The Timeline area located under the Scene area is the main editing tool of the program. It represents a time scale with several layers designed for the media files you load to your project, graphical objects you add and various effects you apply. It also has many useful buttons and options helping you achieve the best result. You may watch our video guide to see how the main timeline options work but a more comprehensive toolset is described below:

The main elements of the Timeline area are the following:

  1. Cursor: This is a red vertical line indicating the moment shown in the scene area. You can move the cursor with the mouse or using the appropriate buttons on the toolbar.
  2. Cursor position: This bar is an information area located on the left from the time scale that shows you the cursor position value (in milliseconds and in frames). You can also use it to move the cursor to a particular position. Just double click there and enter a new value.
  3. Time scale area: This is a gray horizontal line with time marks along which the cursor moves.By right-clicking the time scale area the following options become available:
    • Move cursor to begin: Use it to move the cursor to the very beginning.
    • Move to previous keyframe: Use it to move the cursor to the previous keyframe position.
    • Move to previous second: Use it to move the cursor to the previous second of the video.
    • Move to previous frame: Use it to move the cursor to the previous frame of the video.
    • Move to next frame: Use it to move the cursor to the next frame of the video.
    • Move to next second: Use it to move the cursor to the next second of the video.
    • Move to next keyframe: Use it to move the cursor to the next frame keyframe position of the video.
    • Move cursor to end: Use it to move the cursor to the end of the video.
    • Set cursor position: Use this option to set a precise position for the cursor.
  4. Work area: This area is located above the file on the timeline and helps you work with more accuracy on a particular part of a video. To adjust this area, move gray rectangles under the time scale to achieve necessary positions at the beginning and at the end of the desired fragment. After that, you will be able to zoom in this fragment by clicking the Scale by work area button. You can adjust this area by using the corresponding buttons on the timeline or by right-clicking on the work area, unlocking a context menu. This menu offers the following options:
    • Scale by work area: Use it after setting the work area to work only with the selected section.
    • Set work area: Use it to set the work area so that it fits the selected object.
    • Start work area: Use it to set the beginning of the work area by the cursor position.
    • End work area: Use it to set the end of the work area by the cursor position.
    • Move work area: Use it to move the work area so that it starts at the cursor position.
    • Align work area: Use it to move the work area so that it ends at the cursor position.
    • Synch with key editor: Use it to synchronize the timeline with Key editor for working with keyframes parameters.
  5. Scale work area: This is a narrow line above the Time scale area. Here you can easily find the cursor position which is represented by a blue mark. You can zoom the timeline by dragging the edges of the scale work area for your convenience.
  6. Show/hide object: This option is located on the left of the file layer and looks like an eye icon to show/hide the object in the scene area. When the icon is enabled, the object is visually presented on the screen. If there is no icon next to the object, you cannot see it on the screen or perform any actions with it.
  7. Lock/unlock object: This option is located on the left of the timeline, next to the Show/hide object option and is used to make an object unmovable and unelectable on the scene area. Then the icon is enabled, it is impossible to move or select the object on the screen. You can select it in the timeline area or via Objects explorer. If there is no icon next to the object, the object is unlocked.
  8. Composition mode: This option is located next to the Lock/unlock object button and is used for blending the current object with another object on the scene. For more information on these modes, you can refer to our guide on VSDC Blending Modes. (It's important to note that blending modes are different from masking). Here you can also adjust the Opacity level of your footage by moving the slider left or right.
  9. Show/hide waveform: This option is represented by a wave-like icon which is located next to the Composition mode. Use it to adjust the audio waveform of the video file added to the timeline. By clicking this button, the following options are available.
    • Show/hide waveform: Use it to display or hide the audio waveform of a video file.
    • Signal power: This option allows you to color your waveform signal.
    • Resulting signal: This is a waveform with applied effects if there are any.
    • Source signal: This is the original signal without any effects.
    • Fixed height: Use it to set the size of the waveform for more convenience.
  10. Show menu: This option is represented by a white vertical rectangle next to the Show/hide waveform option. Use it to show the context menu of the object and use one of the available options. This menu is the same as described below that is also available by right-clicking the object on the timeline.
  11. Layers: This column is located on the left from the object on the timeline and shows you the name of the layer you work with. You can rename the layer by double-clicking on it which is especially useful when you have to work with dozens of layers in one project.

Timeline Options

This section can be reached by clicking the Options button located in the top right corner of the screen. Timeline options are available in the left-side menu and contain the following:

  1. Timeline style:This option allows you to select the outlook of the timeline scale, either the latest one (2016), or 2007 if you are used to it.
  2. Layer order: This option allows you to determine how the layers will be displayed: in rendering order or in the order shown on the scene.
  3. Timeline scale control: this option contains several available modes. By default, the program doesn’t save the timeline scale. To avoid manual changes every time you switch between objects, select Always save timeline scale (with constant value) or Save timeline scale for every object.
  4. Scrolling mode during playback: This option is mainly used when the timeline is zoomed in and you want it to follow the cursor during playback.
  5. Block dragging mode: This option allows you to select one of two appropriate modes from the drop-down list. Using the default method may distort the files sequence when dragging. The second method allows you to group the order of the files.
  6. General objects settings:
    • Object snapping: This value allows you to adjust the distance between objects when moving them on the timeline.
    • Add temporary layer while dragging an object: Enabled by default.
    • Delete layer if all objects have been deleted: Enabled by default.
    • Add videos and images to the end of selected layer by default: Enabled by default.
    • Add audios to the end of selected layer by default: Enabled by default.
    • Add other objects to the end of selected layer by default: Disabled by default.
    • Set cursor position to object’s visible area when switching to editing object mode: Enabled by default.
  7. Actions that trigger object’s visibility on the timeline
    • Selecting an object on the timeline: Disabled by default.
    • Selecting an object on the scene: Disabled by default.
    • Selecting an object on the object’s tree: Enabled by default.
    • Other actions: Enabled by default.
  8. Other timeline options:
    • Show time on timeline by default: Enabled by default.
    • Rename layer when click is held: Disabled by default.
    • Open several objects in one layer (otherwise they will be opened via a wizard): Enabled by default.
    • Use storyboard for videos: Disabled by default.
    • Use Shift to trim file from start while dragging the left edge: Enabled by default.
    • Show waveform on adding audio: Enabled by default.

Timeline Tools

At the top of the Timeline area, you can see the following toolbar:

Timeline Zoom Tools

  • Increase scale: Use it to enlarge the timeline scale.
  • Decrease scale: Use it to reduce the timeline scale.
  • 100% scale: Use it to set a 100% timeline scale.
  • Timeline scale: Use it to find the appropriate scale using a slider.
  • Scale by work area: Use it to zoom in a particular moment of the video. First, select a work area moving gray rectangles under the time scale, and then click this button.

Playback Tools

  • Show proxy files: Use it to show proxy or montage files.
  • Preview: Use it to play the video with the chosen quality and preview the result of your work in a separate window.
  • Play/ pause scene: Use it to preview the adjustments directly on the scene.
  • Lock area: Use it to preview only the selected area (work area) on the timeline.
  • Return cursor: Use it to move the cursor to the very beginning automatically after the preview pauses.
  • Loop: Use it to loop the video playback.
  • Mute/ unmute sound: Use it to mute the video playback.
  • Volume: Use it to adjust the volume of the preview.

Cursor Tools

Some of the tools in this section are described above.

  • Show time/ frame: Use it to switch between time scale and frame scale views.
  • Move to previous keyframe
  • Move to previous second
  • Move to previous frame
  • Create marker: Use it to add a comment marker and indicate important points on the timeline, or select the segmentation marker type if you want to split your video into parts before export. Note that the comment marker does not actually split your video into parts and will not appear after exporting.
  • Move to next frame
  • Move to next second
  • Move to next keyframe
  • Set work area
  • Start work area
  • End work area
  • Move work area
  • Align work area

Block Tools

  • Cut out fragment: Use it to cut out the selected fragment of your video.If you expand the cutting menu, you will see 4 options available:
    • Cut out fragment: This option cuts out the selected area and splits the file into parts.
    • Cut out content: This option cuts out the selected area without splitting the file.
    • Trim start/end: These options cut the beginning or end of the video without changing the file placement on the timeline or removing blank space.
  • Split into parts: Use it to split the video file into two fragments.
  • Move blocks: Use it to move blocks (several selected objects) so that they start at the cursor position.
  • Align blocks: Use it to move blocks (several selected objects) so that they end at the cursor position.
  • Set blocks order: Use it to put blocks (several selected objects) so that the second starts at the end of the first one.
  • Set order with offset: Use it to put blocks (several selected objects) so that they follow one by one with offset.

To disable any of these buttons click a small arrow next to each section, select the appropriate button group and uncheck unnecessary buttons. You can enable them or use Reset Toolbar any time later. Under the toolbar described above, you can see the main working space of the Timeline area. There are several tabs allowing you easy navigation between added objects. The tab has the same name as the selected object. Open the tab to apply additional effects to this particular element only.

Working With Objects on the Timeline

Selecting Objects

The timeline allows you to adjust objects in time and visually displays the order of the objects. There is a direct connection between objects in the timeline and objects in the scene editor. For example, when you select an object in the timeline, the same object gets selected in the editor; when you delete an object from the timeline, it is also deleted from the editor and vice versa. In fact, this is the same object shown both in the scene editor and in the timeline. Keep in mind that in order to apply various effects and use different tools the first step to make is always to select the object on the timeline.

Adjusting Objects Position

Each object you add while editing occupies its individual line on the timeline area and represents a colored block. You can easily change the duration and the position of the block with a mouse. To change the duration, place the mouse cursor on the block’s boundary (so it becomes a bidirectional arrow) and move it to the left or to the right. To change the position, place the mouse cursor at the center of the block (so it becomes a hand shape) and move the block to the left or to the right. Multiple objects can be placed in different layers and in one layer as well.

Objects Options

You can adjust objects on the timeline using the right-click menu. Here the following options are available:

  1. Cut: Use it to remove the selected object from the scene with a view to paste it to another scene.
  2. Copy: Use it to copy the selected object with a view to paste it to another place of the scene.
  3. Paste: Use to paste the object you have previously cut or copied.
  4. Delete: Use it to remove the selected object from the scene.
  5. Duplicate: Use it to create a duplicate of an object.
  6. Layers: Use it to manage layers in your project:
    • Add layer: a new layer will be added at the very top;
    • Insert layer: a new layer will be added right below the selected layer;
    • Rename layer: change the name for the layer.
  7. Order: Use it to transfer a particular object or a group of objects between layers:
    • One layer up;
    • One layer down;
    • Bring to top;
    • Set to bottom.
  8. Alignment: Use it to align selected objects according to each other or by the parent object’s position. These options are also available on a horizontal toolbar above the scene.
    • Alignment mode: Use it to align selected objects according to each other or by the parent object’s position.
    • Left align: Use it to locate the selected object on the left side of the screen.
    • Horizontal align center: Use it to locate the selected object at the horizontal center of the screen.
    • Right align: Use it to locate the selected object on the right side of the screen.
    • Top align: Use it to locate the selected object on the top of the screen.
    • Vertical align center: Use it to locate the selected object at the vertical center of the screen.
    • Bottom align: Use it to locate the selected object on the bottom of the screen.
    • Make the same width: Use it to increase the width of the selected object by the scene screen.
    • Make the same height: Use it to increase the height of the selected object by the scene screen.
    • Make the same size: Use it to increase/decrease the selected object so that it occupies the same size as the scene screen.
    • Make the same size and position: Use it to increase/decrease the selected object so that it occupies the same size and the same position as the scene screen
  9. Set size
    • Set the same size as the parent has: This option automatically adjusts an object's size to match that of the parent object or the overall scene. This feature is particularly useful for maintaining consistent sizing within nested objects
    • Set the original size: This option adjusts an object's size to the original size parameters.
    • Set width in accordance with the image’s aspect ratio: This option adjusts an object's width to match that of the parent object.
    • Set height in accordance with the image’s aspect ratio: This option adjusts an object's height to match that of the parent object.
  10. Group: Use it to group several objects selected on the screen.
    • Group objects: Use it to group several objects selected on the screen.
    • Ungroup objects: Use it to ungroup several objects selected on the screen.
    • Link objects: Use this option when you want to reconnect previously split files or when you want to link an array of tracks on the timeline in a certain order and edit them as a whole.
    • Unlink objects: Use this option when you want to disconnect linked files.
  11. Crop tools
    • Custom region: Use this option for the video size to be automatically adjusted to the size of the scene.
    • Auto cropping: The video size will be automatically adjusted to the size of the scene.
    • Cancel cropping: Use this option to return to the original size.
  12. Cutting and splitting: Use it to open an additional window that helps delete unnecessary scenes from your video or split it into parts.
  13. Convert to sprite: Use this option to create a sprite by selecting the media files you want to include in the sprite on the timeline using the mouse.
    • Within objects resolution
    • Within the scene resolution
  14. Convert to movement path: Use this option to designate a trajectory for tracking points. A new tracking point block will appear on the timeline, containing all the key points of the shape you created.
  15. Create movement map: Use this option to create a map based on the trajectory of this object’s movement. The movement map will be saved to your PC and VSDC will automatically switch to the regular video editing mode.
  16. Video effects: Use it to select and apply a video effect to your video or image file.
  17. Audio effects: Use it to select and apply an audio effect to your audio file.
  18. Text effects: Use it to select and apply a text effect to your text file.
  19. Set timeline color: Use this feature to change the color for different categories of objects and effects on the timeline.
  20. Cursor position: the options are the same as at the time scale area described above.
  21. Find object in: These options are designed to simplify the process for users who need to deal with complex projects consisting of numerous elements and to find files in some particular locations:
    • Objects explorer
    • Resources window
    • Preview in sources
    • Show in folder
  22. Preview objects: Use this option to preview elements in a separate window.
  23. Properties: Use this option to access the Properties window for an object. This option is disabled if the Properties window is already displayed on the right of the scene.

This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.

Working with the Editor

Below is the scene editor window. It consists of the scene editor, scene control toolbars, the timeline and timeline toolbars. The scene editor allows you to adjust objects in space.


The scene editor contains all editable objects. You can select them, move, resize or remove from the scene. Double-clicking the object switches to the edit mode so you can add various effects to it. If it is a sprite, you can add other objects too. Double-clicking outside the borders of an object finishes the edit mode and switches to editing of the parent element.

Note that when you switch to the edit mode of an object, all other elements except child elements of that object become inaccessible. At the same time when you edit the scene, all child elements of the objects on this scene become inaccessible. This approach allows you to focus on objects while working with the scene, or on current object’s elements – when you are working with some object.

The “Editingtools” toolbar:


This toolbar allows you to add standard objects to the scene or apply a motion effect.

The “Standard tools” toolbar:

Allows you to cut, copy and paste objects from the clipboard. Also you can undo or redo changes.

The “Paper tools” toolbar:

This one allows you to turn on and off such options as: displaying the grid, snap objects to the grid, display borders, snap to borders, and also to specify grid spacing, type and color, and to adjust the border size.

The “Layout tools” toolbar:

The toolbar allows you to arrange objects by left, right, top or bottom border of objects. It also allows you to arrange object sizes and to change the display order. Additionally, you can group several objects together.

The “Zoom tools” toolbar:

The toolbar contains scene scaling controls. You can turn on automatic scaling to the size of the window (the working zone will automatically scale up or down to fit the size of the editor’s window; otherwise – scrollbars will be displayed). You can also set the scale manually with the slider.

You can show or hide these toolbars using the “View” tab and the corresponding elements.

The “Editor” tab:

This tab includes all scene management elements. Using these buttons you can cut, copy, paste and remove objecs from a scene, and also add new objects and apply effects to them.

The “Create screenshot” button allows you to create a screenshot of the selected object. You can make a screenshot of an object with an effect applied to it too. To do this, switch to the object edit mode, select the desired effect and create a screenshot. After that, an image of the current object with all applied filters will be added to project’s resources.

The menu command “Add object - > Run files wizard…” runs the “File’s Sequence Wizard” that allows you to create a sequence of media files replacing each other one by one. You can read more about this Wizard in the “File’s Sequence Wizard ” section.

When you add any new object to the scene, a window appears asking you to specify the starting position of the object in the timeline and its duration.

Possible options here are:

  • “By work area” – this adds a new object to the scene in accordance with the selected working area. The beginning position of the object in the timeline is determined by the beginning of this working area, while the selected range of the working area defines the duration (see the details of working area operation in the “Working with the Timeline” section).
  • “From cursor position” – this addes a new object to the scene starting from the current cursor position in the timeline, with the duration specified separately.
  • “To cursor position” – adds a new object to the scene ending at the current cursor position in the timeline with the duration set separately.
  • “Whole parent duration” – adds a new object to the scene starting from scene beginning with the duration equal to scene’s duration.
  • “From scene begin” – adds an object to the scene starting from scene beginning with the duration specified separately.
  • “To scene end” – adds an object to the scene ending at the last frame of the scene in the timeline with the duration specified separately.
  • “From manual position” – adds a new object to the scene where the starting position and the duration are specified manually.
  • “To manual position” – adds a new object to the scene where the ending position and the duration are specified manually.
  • “Lock start position” – Locks the start position of the object to the start position of its parent element, that is, changing the position of the parent element will also change the start position of the object.
  • “Lock end position” – Locks the ending time of the object to the duration of its parent element, that is, changing the duration of the parent element will also change the ending time of the object.

The last two options should make editing easier by automatically adjusting starting time and duration of child objects if their parent objects were changed. For example, you may want to apply some effect in the last seconds only regardless of the duration of an object. Another possible application is applying an effect to the entire object even if its duration changes, that is the duration of the effect should change as well.

This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.

The List of Scene Objects

This window allows you to quickly navigate through objects on a scene. It displays all scene objects and effects applied to objects. When you select an object, the same object is automatically selected in the scene, and the editor and the timeline switch to the editing of the parent element of this object.

You can hide or show this window by selecting the corresponding element in the “View” tab.

This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.

The List of Available Project Resources

This window displays and manages project resources. It shows all resources utilized in a project and saved in the project’s folder. Resources are images, audio and video files.

You can add or remove corresponding elements to the project file. When a resource is removed, all objects containing this resource will be automatically deleted from all scenes (effects using this resource will be turned off).

Notice that the project file stores only images, while video and audio files are stored as references to the source files on the computer. Otherwise the project file will be unacceptably large for the fast work of the application. This may create certain difficulties while transferring projects to another computer, because you will need to transfer all media files as well along with the file of the project itself.

You can hide or show this window by selecting the corresponding element in the “View” tab.

This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.

Object Property List

This window serves for displaying properties of various editable objects: a project, a scene and objects in a scene. This window updates automatically when you select some object.

You can show or hide this window using the “View” tab.

This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.

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Reviewed by

"VSDC Free Video Editor is a surprisingly powerful, if unconventional video editor"

- PC Advisor

"This video editor gives you tons of control and editing power"

- CNet

"The editor handles many common formats and boasts a good deal of capabilities when it comes time to alter lighting, splice video, and apply filters and transitions in post production"

- Digital Trends