Line object

The Line tool in VSDC Video Editor is primarily used for drawing straight lines in videos. It can be used to add arrows, mark specific objects or areas, create custom shapes, and more. The tool is quite versatile and can be used in a variety of ways to enhance the overall look and feel of your video.

To use the Line tool in VSDC Video Editor, follow these steps:

  • Open the program and import your video footage.
  • Select the Line tool from the toolbar on the left-hand side of the screen or open the Add object menu above and proceed to Line.
  • Once you open the menu, you'll be presented with three options. For the purpose of this tutorial, we'll be focusing on the Line tool. However, if you're interested in learning about the other two tools, be sure to check out this guide.
  • Select the Line option and a new window will appear with object position settings where you can define the line's appearance and duration in the scene. Once you're satisfied, click "OK." And if you decide to make changes to the line later on, don't worry - simply navigate to the Properties window on the right side and adjust the Common settings group as needed.
  • To insert a line in your video, click and drag your mouse to draw it in the desired location. If you need to adjust the position of the object later, you can do so by accessing the Properties window and modifying the settings in the Common section.
  • After successfully adding a line to your video, you can now begin to customize its appearance. Simply access the Properties window and navigate to the Line object settings group. From there, you can adjust the line's color and thickness to achieve the desired look. If you want the edges of the line to appear smooth, be sure to select the Antialiasing option.

The Free Video Editor - available for download right from its description page.