Thank you for choosing VSDC Video Editor!

Thank you for choosing VSDC! 

A whole array of multimedia processing features is at your free disposal now.

You can cut, crop or merge your video, add effects, transitions and texts to create your own projects of any complexity or scale from simple slideshows to business presentations with 3D diagrams. VSDC Free Video Editor doesn’t have any time or watermark restrictions.

What’s the catch? How can we provide and develop a free service? There’re two ways actually:

  • Donation. You can make your contribution into accessible nonlinear video editing for everyone.
  • Pro solution. You can purchase an annual subscription to get a hardware-accelerated version with a range of advanced settings.

To get more information on quick start, please, consult the How-to section.

If any questions arise, see the FAQ section or write to 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。


Video editor Video converter "Donate Audioconverter Audio grabber