How to blend clips or images in VSDC Free Video Editor

Using ‘Blending Modes’ you can create your own visual effects and filters. For example, let’s see how to create the so-called Ghost Effect.

Add a video, where you’d like to apply a Ghost Effect. To make it perfectly fit the scene, select “Yes” in the “Stretch Video” option.

Tip: to make a video perfectly fit the scene size, add a video with the help of Import Content option

Due to a ghost effect an object obtains several contours of different types and colors. To achieve this effect, we need to add as many identical video layers as we want for our object to have contours.

All of the added videos should be exactly of the same size. For this reason we recommend to make a duplicate of every inserted video. Click the original video on the scene with a right mouse button and select the “Duplicate” option. The duplicated layer will instantly appear on the timeline.

Now comes the most interesting part: we’re going to apply a blending mode to one of our video layers. Make a double click on the layer you are going to apply a filter to (on the timeline) and select the “Rectangle” tool.

Place the rectangle over the whole scene

Tip: Choose a rectangle with no frames and filled with a color (3-rd type):

Go to the “Properties” window and choose a color for your rectangle.

To change the type of a blending mode, select the appropriate blending type in the “Composition mode” tab.

To make a ghost effect more impressive, let’s add one more layer (contour). Go to the main scene, make a duplicate of the blended layer and stretch it following the scene size.

Make a double click on the duplicated layer and change the color of the rectangle. (Why do we have a rectangle here? That’s simple – we’ve made a duplicate of the blended layer where we have previously added a rectangle)

Tip: try to use contrast colors for different layers to achieve the best effect

Select one of the blending modes of the “Composition mode” menu on the timeline:

To make our blended layers more phantom, let’s adjust it transparency. Make a double click on one of the blended layers and decrease opacity of the rectangle.

Now let’s shift our blended layers to achieve a multi-contour effect of the main video. Go to the main scene and change layers’ positions simply dragging and dropping layers with a mouse.

Tip: Vary blending modes and opacity on the main scene to achieve the best result.

You can get more information about the program on Free Video Editor' description page.