



此应用程序针对转换视频文件的格式,支持几乎所有常用的视频格式(读取和保存均可)。此外,程序可以大大简化转码任务,使视频能兼容特殊的多媒体设备,如iPhone、Microsoft Zune或Archos。操作非常简单,软件具有现代化界面以及所有处理视频必须的功能。











High speed






How to Make Transitions Smoother Using Bezier Curves

Bezier curves have many uses in video editing, one of which we already explored in our quick guide to drawing shapes. This time, we’ll show you how to use Bezier curves in so-called “easing curves” – the tool allowing you to control how long it takes a transition to kick in or fade out.

Please note that editing transitions along Bezier curves is only available in the Pro version of VSDC.

Step 1: Import your footage and add a transition

Making smooth transitions with the Bezier curve is a simple process. First, import your video file to the project. If you already have a blank project opened, you can just drag the video file onto the timeline. Next, add a transition. For this tutorial, we will be using the Wipe transition, but you can choose any of the ones available in the Templates window.

Step 2: Apply transition curve template

Right-click on the transition effect to open the Properties window. For our example, we’ll be working with Transition levels – the parameter setting the speed of the transition. Right-click on the tiny Parameter change icon next to Transition levels and hover over Templates. Then select “Quad Out.”


How to use bezier curves

There are over a dozen options available in the menu; however, for our example, we need to use a template ending with “Out” because the transition is at the end of the video. Had we placed the transition at the beginning of the video, we would have selected a template ending with “In.”

Step 3: Configure Bezier curve

Once you apply the template, the timeline window will display a graph. The curve on the graph is based on the Transition level values, therefore, by changing this curve, you will be adjusting the pace of the transition.

To get started, find the two control points: one at the beginning of the graph and one at the end of it. These are called “keyframes.” Click on either of the keyframes, and you’ll see a vector. Grab the end of the vector and drag it around: both the length and the angle of the vector change the curve and, thus, the pace of the transition.


To adjust the transition at any specific moment, you can create additional keyframes by double-clicking on the graph. The smoother the curve is, the smoother the transition. The opposite is true: if you create a sharp curve, the pace of the transition will spike accordingly.

Create custom video effects using Bezier curves

Customizing transitions with Bezier curves is easy. You can apply them to any parameter that includes values changing along a curve and achieve outstanding video effects. Furthermore, after creating your ideal transition, you can save it as a template and use it later. Check out a quick tutorial on how to do it.

How to Use Bezier Curves for Drawing Shapes

Bezier curve is a tool that lets you draw odd shapes with precise accuracy. In video editing, it’s one of those rare features that are easy to use and hard not to. Below, we’ll show you how to use Bezier curves in VSDC Free Video Editor for creating shapes you can later use for clipping or inverted masks. For the sake of this tutorial, we’ve selected a heart shape as an example to practice on; once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to draw any other shape quickly and effortlessly.

Bezier curves are available in VSDC starting version 6.8. Make sure to download it before getting started.

Step 1. Launch VSDC Free Video Editor and import your content

First, boot up VSDC Free Video Editor. On the main screen, there are different options for importing your content. You can create a blank project with custom parameters, or you can simply click Import content and select your video files from the computer. If you decide to do the latter, VSDC Free Video Editor will automatically change the project’s parameters to the parameters of your video.

Step 2. Draw the foundation of your shape

Once you access the project’s scene, go to the left-side menu and select the Add free shape tool:

How to use bezier curves

A window called Object position settings will pop up to indicate the position of the shape you’re creating on the timeline – just click OK.

Now, as an easy demonstration of what the Bezier curve is capable of, let’s draw a heart shape. In the previous versions of VSDC, you would have to create up to 100 control points just to draw a smooth-looking heart. However, now you’ll be able to make do with only a couple of control points, even if you have little to no vector drawing experience. The Bezier curves will practically draw the shape for you!

To get started, click anywhere on the scene and while holding the mouse button, drag it to the side. Once you do that, you’ll see two vectors that will start forming the shape. Leave them as they are and repeat your steps to create another control point above the first one: now you have half of the shape! Okay, it may not look like half of a heart shape, but that’s temporary.


Now all you have to do is close the shape before we start turning it into a heart. There are two ways to do that. You can either select the first control point and press the Closed Free Shape button in the Shape Point Settings, or simply hold the Ctrl key and click on your first control point.

Step 3: Adjust the vectors to achieve the desired shape

Vectors determine the shape of your figure; therefore, you can tweak the shape just by dragging them in the desired direction. For instance, to turn the circle into a heart shape, press the Ctrl key and drag one of the vectors at a 45-degree angle. Keep in mind that if you forget to press the Ctrl key, both vectors will be moving along, staying parallel to each other. Once you’re finished with one vector, drag the second one at the same angle but in the opposite direction. Repeat the process with the vectors from the second control point, and voila – you have a heart. You always had.


Make use of your shape

Drawing shapes with the Bezier curve is this easy. You can add as many control points as you want: each will have two vectors to help you form the shape more precisely. Whether you want to create a clipping mask, hide an object behind a shape, or just practice vector drawing – now it’s much easier. We’re excited to see what uses you’ll find for this tool!

Now, if you’d like to continue exploring the power of Bezier curves, go ahead and read our guide to using them for creating smoother, custom-paced transitions.



在本教程中我们将教您如何使用并根据具体需求调整此效果。VSDC 6.8版以后含画笔效果,因此在继续阅读之前欢迎下载




How to apply the Paint Brush transition effect in VSDC






  • 常用设置
  • 调整设置
  • 画笔效果设置

Paint Brush effect settings in VSDC Free Video Editor

























  • 非连续:每个后续笔触从场景的同一侧开始。
  • 连续:每个后续笔触从场景的另一侧开始。
  • 基于区域:场景被分成几个区域,每个区域都被油漆覆盖。
  • 随机(相同角度):每个笔触都以相同角度在场景上的随机位置出现。
  • 随机(随机角度):每个笔触都以随机角度在场景上的随机位置出现。














How to apply the Shattered glass transition effect in VSDC Pro






Shattered glass effect settings available in VSDC Pro


  • 常用设置
  • 调整设置
  • 碎玻璃效果设置












Parameters allowing you to customize the Shattered glass effect in VSDC

























请记住,对于这些数字中的每一个,您还可以选择一个增量值(X/Y)。增量值设置X轴和Y轴上点数的偏差。 例如,如果你在Х轴上放置5个点,并且增量值100%,那么每条水平线将产生1到10个破碎的碎片。




以下参数被命名为X轴移动、Y轴移动和Z轴移动。它们可帮助您为破碎的碎片设置围绕轴的移动方向。默认情况下,所有这些参数都设置为 0%,这就是分片保留在同一位置的原因。但是,当您开始增加值时,碎片将开始向指定方向移动。

移动速度定义了破碎的碎片移动到完全从场景中消失的速度。默认情况下,此值设置为 100%,即最大速度。输入0%的话,则碎片将围绕自身旋转而不会移动到任何地方。







方面修正是根据视频大小或应用了过渡的对象来调整破碎片段移动的参数。如果启用此选项,无论给定的纵横比如何,破碎的碎片都会均匀移动。 如果禁用此选项,移动移位将基于纵横比:例如,如果您的视频具有16:9纵横比,则由于视频的宽度超过其高度,片段将进一步水平移动。







希望本教程对您有所启发,并触发了一些新想法!想视频尝试视频碎玻璃效果的话,请访问我们官网下载VSDC 6.8


How to Apply test

The Paint Brush transition is a popular effect that imitates brush strokes. You can use it to gradually move from one scene to another by either covering the video with a paint brush stroke by stroke, or revealing the next image from under a coat of paint. Here is what it looks like:

From this tutorial, you’ll find out how to apply this effect in your videos and tailor it to your vision. The Paint Brush effect is available in VSDC starting version 6.8, so make sure to download it before moving one with the tutorial.


How to apply Paint Brush transition in VSDC

Once you download VSDC, launch it on your computer and import your footage. We recommend using the Import content button unless you want to apply custom parameters to the project. Next, select the video you want to apply the transition to, open the Video effects menu, proceed to Transitions and select Paint Brush.

How to apply the Paint Brush transition effect in VSDC

The Object position settings window will pop up indicating that the transition will be added to the end of the scene. Click OK to proceed and preview the result. Notice that if you want to stretch the duration of the transition, you’ll be able to do it manually. We’ll talk more about it in the following section.


How to access Paint Brush transition settings

To open the effect settings, first make a double-click on the video you’ve applied the effect to. You’ll find yourself in a new tab with the effect layer named PaintEffect. Make a right click on it and select Properties. The Properties window will slide-in from the right.

The Properties window for the Paint Brush transition includes 3 groups of settings:

  • Common settings
  • Adjustment settings
  • Chess settings - Paint Brush effect settings

Paint Brush effect settings in VSDC Free Video Editor

Let’s go over each group of settings and see what they do.


Common settings

The settings in the first group allow you to rename the transition effect layer, type the exact moment when the transition should begin (in seconds or in frames) and set its duration (in seconds or in frames). Keep in mind that you can also manually move and stretch the effect layer right on the timeline using the handlers.


Adjustment settings

The Adjustment settings consist of a single parameter, named Transparency. Transparency enables you to adjust the opacity level for the paint strokes. For example, if you leave the default value (100%), the paint will be completely non-transparent. However, if you decrease the value, you’ll start getting the see-through effect.

If you expand the Transparency parameter, you can access the Initial and Final values. These values enable you to set the opacity level for the beginning of the Paint Brush effect and the end of it, thus creating a smoother transition between scenes.


Paint Brush effect settings

The settings in the third group allow you to tailor the effect to your needs. For instance, you can change the direction and angle of the brush strokes, choose the brush width, and more.


The first parameter in this group is named Directly, and it refers to the direction of transition. If you leave this parameter deactivated, the paint brush will gradually cover your footage, stroke by stroke. If you activate this parameter, the transition will work in the opposite way and gradually uncover video from a coat of paint.

Stroke angle

The following parameter allows you to change the brush stroke angle. By default, the brush moves under a 45-degree angle, however, you can change this value to your taste. For example, in the illustration below, you can see how the strokes will look if you use a 90-degree and a 30-degree angles.

In addition to the Stroke angle, you can activate the option called Opposite side and change the side where the brush starts moving. For example, by default, the paint brush moves from right to left. In this case, the opposite side direction will be from left to right.

Starting corner

This parameter defines the corner where the effect starts. There are 4 self-explanatory options you can choose from: left-top, right-top, left-bottom, and right-bottom.

Brush width

Brush width is rather self-explanatory as well. This parameter defines how wide and thick brush strokes are, and you can leave its value consistent or make it dynamic. For example, if you set the Initial value at 10% and the Final value at 50%, each subsequent brush stroke will be thicker.


This parameter adds blur to the paint and makes brush strokes less defined. The higher the value, the more blurred the strokes will be. As a matter of fact, if you type 100%, the effect will resemble spray paint.

Brush movement direction

Brush movement direction is the brush movement pattern defining the order in which brush strokes are applied. The are 5 options you can choose from:

  • Non-continuous – each subsequent brush stroke will start on the same side of the scene.
  • Continuous – each subsequent brush stroke starts on the opposite side of the scene.
  • Area-based – the scene gets divided into several areas, and each area gets covered with paint
  • Random (same angle) – each brush stroke appears in a random place on the scene under the same angle.
  • Random (random angle) – each brush stroke appears in a random place on the scene under a random angle.

Overlap coefficient

Overlap coefficient defines the percentage of brush strokes that appear on the scene at the same time. For example, if the total number of brush strokes required to cover the scene entirely is 12, and the overlap coefficient equals 30%, at any given moment, you’ll be seeing 4 brush strokes instead of just one.


Try the Paint Brush transition for free

The new Paint Brush transition effect is available in the free version of VSDC Video Editor, so if you liked this tutorial, go ahead and download VSDC from the official website.

Feel free to message us on Facebook and make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for a weekly doze of video editing inspiration.


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Reviewed by

"VSDC Free Video Editor is a surprisingly powerful, if unconventional video editor"

- PC Advisor

"This video editor gives you tons of control and editing power"

- CNet

"The editor handles many common formats and boasts a good deal of capabilities when it comes time to alter lighting, splice video, and apply filters and transitions in post production"

- Digital Trends