Creating a New Project

In order to create a new project, select the “New project” command in the main menu or at the “Projects” tab. The following window will be displayed:


In this form you should type the name of the project which may differ from the file name. The name of the project is for informational purposes only.

Also you should select the base resolution and the framerate of the video, and the frequency and the number of channels for the audio. These parameters will be used as default settings for the clip project, but you will be able to select another profile with the same or other settings to save a resulting file. If settings in a profile differ from project’s settings, additional processing of the video and audio will be performed to adjust the file to profile’s settings. For example, if you set the resolution to 1920x1080 as the source parameter, and then select a profile with the resolution of 640x480, then every frame will be scaled down to the resolution specified in the profile, and that may greatly slow down the process. However, the higher a source resolution is, the higher is the quality of a resulting video.

In the above form you should also select the type of a project. If you select the “Blank project” option, an empty project is created with one scene in it. After that, the program immediately switches to the scene editor mode.

If you select “Import videos and images”, an empty project is created as well, but the File’s Sequence Wizard will be additionally launched. You can read more about this Wizard in the “File’s Sequence Wizard ” section.

The “Record your project” option is not implemented for now. In the future you will be able to capture video and audio from such devices as video tuner or a web camera, and also to record snapshots of your desktop and create a video from them.

This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.