The advanced settings available in the Pro version of the program are listed in this article along with instructions on how to use them.
1. Advanced sub-pixel resolution
The program uses this algorithm while applying various rotation and motion effects when some loss of information known as aliasing can occur. It removes aliasing and enhances the resolution of digital images.
2. Resizing
When you place a video or an image file to the scene saving the original resolution, you prevent the loss of image quality. Every time you resize the image so that it occupies only part of the screen, you lose its quality. The advanced resizing methods, such as Nearest neighbor interpolation, Cubic Interpolation, Supersampling interpolation and Lanczos interpolation are integrated in the Pro version of the program. To apply them to your image, please, follow these steps:
3. Audio waveform
If your video contains an audio track, only Pro version of the program lets you show the audio waveform clicking the corresponding icon on the timeline. It can be very useful when you need to cut out some audio fragments or while applying available audio effects. This feature helps you process the audio easily with visual assistance. To see the audio waveform of the loaded video, click the appropriate icon on the timeline and select the Show waveform from the drop-down menu.
4. Advanced Chroma key
The Chroma key option allows you to remove the background of your video or photo and replace it with a new one. This technique consists in making the selected colors transparent. The Free version of the program offers you the Chroma key option based on one color only, but the Pro version allows removing an unlimited number of colors from the image background. Let’s see how it works.
5. Hardware acceleration
This feature will be very useful for those who work with HD video. There's no doubt that video with HD quality has a large size and its processing can be time consuming. The Pro version of the program can treat HD files using the capacity of the video card, only if your video card supports it, so that the decoding and encoding of the video data goes faster.
To enable this option, go to the program options and check the corresponding boxes in the Acceleration Options category.
6. Object motion
Sometimes you need to make a video with some moving objects. The Pro version of the program can create not only movement from one point to another, but a motion along spline and through a set of selected points .
First, select the True value in the Path’s start point field. Then change the Mode type if necessary.
You can get more information about the program on Free Video Editor' description page.