Video Editor

Mit dem Video Editor können Sie Videodateien bearbeiten und Video-Clips unterschiedlicher Komplexität erstellen. Sie können Video-und Audio-Effekte auf beliebige Objekte überlagern, sie umwandeln, Filter einsetzen und Bildkorrekturen durchführen. Das Programm unterstützt alle gängigen Video-und Audio-Formate und Codecs - sowohl beim Lesen als auch beim Schreiben.

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Video Konverter

Dieses Programm ist für die Konvertierung von Videodateien von einem Format in ein anderes konzipiert. Es unterstützt fast alle gängigen Video-Formate - sowohl beim Lesen als auch beim Schreiben. Darüber hinaus ist es möglich, ein Video für spezielle Multimedia-Geräte wie iPhone, Microsoft Zune oder Archos zu erstellen. Das Programm ist sehr einfach zu bedienen, verfügt über eine moderne Oberfläche und verfügt über alle grundlegenden Funktionen für das Arbeiten mit Videos.

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Audio Konverter

Mit dem Audio Konverter transformieren Sie Audio-Dateien von einem Format ins andere. Er unterstützt alle wichtigen Audio-Formate und Codecs. Das Programm lässt Sie auch mit Wiedergabelisten und Meta-Tags arbeiten, Sie können Audio-Dateien aus Video-Dateien exportieren und die Songs auf Ihrem Computer in einem beliebigen Format abspeichern.

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Audio CD Grabber

Dieses Audio-Programm lässt Sie Audio-Tracks von CDs kopieren und auf Ihren Computer in jedem beliebigen Format abspeichern. Es unterstützt fast alle gängigen Audio-Formate und Codecs. Außerdem können Sie Informationen über die Songs vom FreeDB-Server erhalten, um automatisch die Dateien umzubenennen und Meta-Tags hinzuzufügen.

Weitere Informationen zu Audio CD Grabber...



Mehrere Instrumente zur Bearbeitung von Video- und Audiodateien in einer App.

Hohe geschwindigkeit

Hohe geschwindigkeit

Die Programme nutzen schnelle optimierte Single- und Multiprozessoren-Algorithmen.



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Line object

The Line tool in VSDC Video Editor is primarily used for drawing straight lines in videos. It can be used to add arrows, mark specific objects or areas, create custom shapes, and more. The tool is quite versatile and can be used in a variety of ways to enhance the overall look and feel of your video.

To use the Line tool in VSDC Video Editor, follow these steps:

  • Open the program and import your video footage.
  • Select the Line tool from the toolbar on the left-hand side of the screen or open the Add object menu above and proceed to Line.
  • Once you open the menu, you'll be presented with three options. For the purpose of this tutorial, we'll be focusing on the Line tool. However, if you're interested in learning about the other two tools, be sure to check out this guide.
  • Select the Line option and a new window will appear with object position settings where you can define the line's appearance and duration in the scene. Once you're satisfied, click "OK." And if you decide to make changes to the line later on, don't worry - simply navigate to the Properties window on the right side and adjust the Common settings group as needed.
  • To insert a line in your video, click and drag your mouse to draw it in the desired location. If you need to adjust the position of the object later, you can do so by accessing the Properties window and modifying the settings in the Common section.
  • After successfully adding a line to your video, you can now begin to customize its appearance. Simply access the Properties window and navigate to the Line object settings group. From there, you can adjust the line's color and thickness to achieve the desired look. If you want the edges of the line to appear smooth, be sure to select the Antialiasing option.

The Free Video Editor - available for download right from its description page.

Duplicate object

Understanding and applying the Duplicate object

In VSDC video editor, you can easily create multiple copies of an object or several objects at once by using the Duplicate option. To access this feature, simply navigate to the Add Object menu located at the top of the scene area, or find it in the left side toolbar of the scene.

After selecting the Duplicate option, a pop-up window will promptly appear on your screen, providing you with the flexibility to adjust its position settings as per your preference. In this window, you can set the precise time at which the duplicate will appear on the scene, as well as how long it will remain visible before disappearing. Once you have set these parameters, click OK to apply the changes and close the window.

As soon as you select the settings, you'll notice that your cursor transforms into a crosshair, which is a crucial visual cue to help you pinpoint the precise location of the duplicated object on your screen. All you need to do is click on the desired point in the scene and drag it to specify the size and shape of the duplicate object. Once you have done this, you will see an empty object appear in both the preview window and on the timeline. This object serves as a template for your future copy, which you can easily modify and edit as needed.

Duplicate object settings

Similar to other objects in VSDC, the Duplicate object contains two groups of settings in the properties window: Common settings and Duplicate object settings.

The Common settings group provides you with the ability to modify the object's name, position in the timeline, and location in the scene. This can be extremely useful if you want to make adjustments to the settings you initially set when creating the Duplicate object.

The Duplicate object settings provide advanced options for modifying the Duplicate object to meet your specific needs.

Under the Source type option, you can define how your object or objects will be copied. For instance, selecting the Object's image duplicate option will duplicate the object in its original form. This means that any effects, color changes, or size adjustments applied to the original object will not be reflected in the duplicate. To achieve this, simply position the cursor on the part of the object you wish to copy, place the Duplicate object on the layer above, select the first option under the Source type field, and choose the desired file to copy in the Duplicated object field.

On the other hand, if you want to duplicate the object along with all the modifications that you made, including the applied effects, you need to select the second option Object duplicate, in the Source type field. Unlike the first option, this duplicate object can be positioned anywhere on any layer of the timeline, giving you more flexibility and control over its placement and appearance.

The third option in the Source type menu is called Scene Duplicate. As the name suggests, this option duplicates the entire scene that you select in the Duplicated object field. This feature can be incredibly helpful if you have a project with multiple scenes and you want to display a portion of one scene within another.

The Stretch image option indicates whether the image should be stretched to fit the size of the Duplicate object, even if it causes some cropping of the edges due to resolution differences. However, stretching the image may compromise its original aspect ratio and reduce its quality. To avoid this issue, the Pro version of the program provides advanced resizing modes, such as Nearest neighbor interpolation, Cubic Interpolation, Supersampling interpolation, and Lanczos interpolation, to help you improve the quality of your resized images.

The Fill background checkbox determines whether the background should be filled with a color or not. If selected, you can choose the color to fill the background using the Color option.

This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.

Sprite object

Sprite Explanation

In VSDC video editor, a Sprite is a powerful tool that allows you to merge several media objects into one and apply effects to the entire group. By adding text, images, shapes, or videos to a sprite, you can create complex animations and effects that can enhance the visual impact of your video.

The Sprite can be resized, rotated, or moved on the timeline, and all the elements within it will move or transform accordingly. You can also use the sprite properties window to control various aspects of the sprite, such as its opacity, blending mode, and animation settings. By adjusting these properties, you can customize the appearance and behavior of the sprite to achieve your desired effect.

Sprite creation

There are two ways to create a Sprite. The first method is to use the Add Object menu located above the scene area or the vertical toolbar menu on the left side of the scene. Simply click on the Sprite button to add it to the timeline, where you can then drag and drop media files into it.

Alternatively, you can use the second method by selecting the media files you want to include in the sprite on the timeline using the mouse. Then, right-click on those files and select Convert to sprite. Then you are free to choose the option either to Convert within objects resolution or to Convert within scene resolution. This will merge the selected files into a single object, allowing you to make adjustments to the entire group.

After successfully creating a Sprite, it will appear on the timeline, indicating that it is now a part of your project. Regardless of the method used to create the Sprite — whether it was done through the first or second method — the next step is to double-click on the Sprite. This action will enable you to add new objects to it, adjust existing ones, or make any necessary modifications.

It's important to keep in mind that when you add or remove files from a Sprite, the duration of the sprite remains the same. As a result, it's crucial to pay attention to the marker on the timeline to ensure that you are aware of the current duration of the Sprite. Failure to do so may result in unwanted issues such as black frames appearing in your project or the files you added to the sprite not being displayed correctly.

Sprite properties

To access the settings menu, double-click on the sprite layer and head over to the Properties window. There are two groups of settings available: Common settings and Sprite object settings.

The Common settings allow you to accomplish a variety of tasks, including renaming the object on the timeline, setting the precise time that the sprite will appear on the screen, and determining the duration that it will remain in the video. Additionally, you can use this group of settings to adjust the positioning coordinates of the sprite on the screen, which is useful for ensuring that it is in the right place at the right time.

The Sprite object settings offer a range of options to adjust the appearance and behavior of your sprite. These include applying effects to all files contained within the Sprite, and using the echo filter to add motion trails to your videos.

A Sprite is essentially a container that facilitates the movement of objects along the timeline. However, any video effects or motions added to a sprite will not be visible in the project by default. To apply an effect to all objects within a sprite, you need to modify its parameters by changing Use as container to No and Show effect to Yes.

  • Use as container determines how the Sprite is used: Yes signifies simple object grouping, while No groups objects and applies effects simultaneously.
  • The Show effects option is only available during edit mode and allows you to toggle effects on and off while editing a Sprite. It is only active when Use as container is active as well.
  • To fill the background area of a Sprite with color, you can enable the Brush option. Unless transparency is needed within the sprite, it is recommended to turn this option on as it significantly improves video processing speed. The Color parameter specifies the background color.

The final setting available is the Apply echo filter option, which essentially simulates the long exposure effect or creates an artificial impression of fast-moving objects. For a more detailed explanation of this effect and how to apply it, we have provided a separate instruction, which can be accessed through this link.

Some Essential Points to Keep in Mind

  • Sprites can be conveniently created using the Wizard tool, streamlining the process of object grouping and effect application;
  • Spritesare especially useful when moving media between scenes, which can be easily switched in the Project Explorer window;
  • Within Sprites, you can effortlessly save created composition files or effects in the template window, making it more efficient to reuse and apply them to other projects in the future.

This software can be downloaded from the Free Video Editor description page.

Seite 3 von 3


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VSDC Kostenlos Video-Capture

Das Programm dient der Bilderfassung von externen Geräten und der Aufzeichnung in einem beliebigen Videoformat. Sie können Videos vom Videotuner, der Webkamera, der Videokarte und anderen Geräten speichern.

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Reviewed by

"VSDC Free Video Editor ist ein überraschend kräftiger und unkonventioneller Videoeditor"

- PC Advisor

"Dieser Videoeditor gibt Ihnen außergewöhnliche Editierungsmacht"

- CNet

"Dieser Videoeditor unterstützt alle gängigen Videoformate und hat eine breite Palette von Funktionen. Sie können den Beleuchtungsgrad ändern, Videos verschmelzen, Filters und Übergänge anwenden"

- Digital Trends